Halal Burger

8 Sep 2010 - In the middle of the Ramadan and French fast-food chain Quick started serving halal-food only in 22 of its French outlets. Quick targets the underexploited market long ignored by other business. The bacon is gone from the bacon burger, replaced by smoked turkey. A new certificate on the wall proclaims that the rerstaurant's beef comes from cows slaughtered in line with Islamic law. Quick says that sales have doubled in the restaurants where they tested the concept, but the move has also triggered another debate about what it means to be French. Some fear Quick's policy will lead to further segregation with people eating in separate restaurants. Others said the restaurants will become muslim hang-outs preventing them from mingling with others. But Kentucky Fried Chicken France said it already serves halal chicken in its outlets for 19 years. Quick responded by saying it simply wants to sell its products to a larger number of people. Who is right?

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