Lyndhurst Terrace

14 Sep 2010 - Lyndhurst Terrace in Hong Kong's Central district is one of the most buzzing streets in the Big Lychee. But little is known about the history of the street. It's name is a good example of the history and the culture of the city. The English name reflects the history of the colonial power, as John Lyndhurst was an assistant magistrate in the 19th century. More interesting is the Chinese name, which loosely translates as "Arrange Flowers street". Lyndhurst Terrace used to be lined with upscale brothels and flower shops made good business with men buying a bouquet for their love for the night. Sometimes it is a pity that the English street names do not truely reflect the city's past. And one wonders how long Hong Kong will hold on to some of the colonial street names?

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