Extreme World

6 Dec 2010 - The BBC will soon start broadcasting their series Extreme World, about the world that divide us. Or we getting closer or becoming more distant from each other? In the coming months BBC World News correspondents will be exploring eight key themes that illustrate the contrasts in our extreme world. For the first theme, Hot and Cold, Adam Mynott will visit the Russian village of Oymyakon, Siberia, officially the coldest inhabited place on earth. In Oymyakon the average temperature in January is minus 46 degrees and frostbite is a constant hazard. The region is rich in gold and diamond, and Russia is now one of the world's leading diamond producers. The second installment will focus on corruption, with Swden and Somalia at both extreme ends of the line. Further themes are Dyring, Crime, Education, Business, Pollution and God. Don't miss it.

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