10 Feb 2011 - The BBC website had an interestiung reflection about modern times. Colm O'Regan wrote that if you work in an office it's quite possible that you suffer from a condition called DAD. He urges us not to panic as it's not serious and nothing a good book or a long walk won't cure.He explains that his internet browser had 24 tabs open. Among them were three separate attempts to reply to the same e-mail. His online banking session has timed out, and in the corner of his screen a Twitter feed is a never-ending scroll of news and links. Which he clicks. And clicks.He wonders what is wrong with him? He did some research and found Divided Attention Disorder, or DAD. DAD encapsulates the growing phenomenon whereby the constant stream of online information could actually be changing the way our brains work.He first read about this in a magazine while waiting to get his hair cut. The article is quite lengthy. Ironically the only reason he had the attention span to read all of it was that my local barber-shop has no mobile phone reception. Sounds familiar?

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