Sandwich Generation

5 Aug 2010 - The "sandwich generation" is the generation caught between competing demands of caring both for their parents and children. Hong Kong's "sandwich generation" are feeling the most financial pressure from taking care of their parents and children among those group accross Asia, research by the Economist Intelligence Unit has found. A report written by the EIU says 53%  of Hong Kong's "sandwich generation" said they were struggling to cope with the financial burden, compared to 45% on the mainland and 42% in Taiwan. South Korea scored 26% and Singapore only 21%. The study estimated that about 1,5 million people in Hong Kong - or 27% of the 5.5 million people in the working-age population - belong to the group. It said that school fees are a considerable burden even on those in the middle and high income groups. So, being sandwiched between kids and parents: blessing or burden?

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