Marina's Magic

28 Nov 2010 - Not many people know Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir, but the diughter of the former Malaysian Prime Minister is an national celebrity in her home country. She was recently awarded the United Nations Person of the Year in Malaysia Award for all the good work she has done for women's rights, and the battle against HIV/AIDS. Marina served as president of the Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC), an umbrella of about 40 non-governmental organizations working on HIV/AIDS in the country, from 1993 to 2005. Currently, she is a board member of Sisters in Islam, an advocacy group which champions justice and equality for Muslim women. Ms. Marina was not available to pick up the price herself, but said "It is gratifying to be rocognised. However, there are many people doing a lot of good work in Malaysia. I always believe that when you win an award it is not because you worked alone. I had the support of all the people in MAC and SIS."

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