Sexy Trunks

26 Nov 2010 - The skimpy trunks sported by the Singapore waterpolo team at the Asian Games are causing red faces and uproar in the conservative city state. The trunks display the Singapore flag's half white crescent moon on the front of the red briefs in what has been described as "inappropriate fashion". The government mouth-piece The Singapore Times used strong language as "disgusting" and "disgraceful". However, many Singaporeans praised the design as "sexy" and "cool". Unfortunately the team did not seek advice from the Ministry of Information, Communication and Arts, who condemned the design. Singapore has strict rules on the public display of the republic's flag The Singapore team were placed sixth after losing to Kuwait 5 - 4. Team manager Samuel Wong apologized for the trouble caused by the uniform.   


Larigot said...

Am in Singapore this week end ;-) this was even mentioned in the French press !

Unknown said...

you label this as 'sports'?