Fresh Food

24 April 2010 - I read an article in the SCMP about a woman who started an online shop for the rustic, traditional food from the French Auvergne. She was inspired by some friends who always complained "Why are these products not available in Hong Kong?". The question made me wonder why everything always needs to be available everywhere? Isn't it one of the advantages of living in Hong Kong to have the opportunity to explore the local cuisine and try out some Chinese ingredients? We have great local markets with great fresh food! Strawberries, mangos, papayas and other are now imported from all over the planet and are made available for 12 months per year. Some may say it is a blessing, but it takes away something of the uniqueness of these fruits. I actually appreciate living with the seasons and with what is available on the local markets. In Hong Kong, that should not be too difficult?

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