No Violence!

26 April 2010 - Next month elections for 5 seats in Hong Kong's Legislative Council will be held. The first posters, billboards and slogans are already hung up in the MTR stations and at bus stops. Today I saw the slogan "Hong Kong needs civilized democracy, no violence" as the main credo for one of the candidates. Huh? Although the text by itself may be correct, it made me wonder if I was in Bangkok or in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is not known as a particularly violent city, and its democracy (??? - to be honest the word does not really represent Hong Kong's political system) is a haven of calm and quiet compared to Thailand, Taiwan or The Philippines. In fact, it seems rather stupid to put up such a slogan at a time that people die in fights between red shirts and yellow shirts and multi-colered shirts and green barets. We should be proud that we don't need slogans like that.

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