Back to the Future (2)

1 May 2010 - So today's newspaper are applauding the dazzling display during the opening of the Shanghai Expo, but one should not forget that thousands were removed from the Expo site by force. Also, many activists, dissidents and petitioners were kept at a distance or even told to leave the city. One activist, Feng Zhenghu, had planned to set up a 'Shanghai Expo for Unjust Court Cases', but was asked to frequently report to the police. Another activist confirmed that she was repeatedly invited for 'tea' by the police. Amnesty International's Roseanne Rife said: "Chinese authorities are again taking extreme steps to ensure that Shanghai activists don't protest, don't interact with visitors, or speak with journalists during the World Expo. The construction of the expo cannot hide the ill-treatment of those who were forcibly evicted.".

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