Han Han

5 May 2010 - It is now a few weeks since I relaunched my Water-Trotter blog, and so far so good. I notice that blog-writing helps me to critically look at the world around me, because there is an article in everything. It also helps that I write in english, because I have to carefully search for words as it is not my mother tongue. I struggle, juggle and learn. Therefore, I like to pay tribute to Han Han, who is considered Chinese most influential blogger in the mainland. Unfortunately I cannot read his blogs, but I was told he zooms in on peoples' lives and on peoples' "struggle for survival" in modern China. It must be quite a challenge to stay within the permitted boundaries, and Han Han must have a constant concern that somebody somewhere on the other side of the curtain rules him a "threat". Let's hope that his success will not be his downfall.

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