Sugar Artist

26 June 2010 - Ask a child what he wants to become, and he will answer fireman, pilot or doctor. But how about becoming a sugar artist? Sugar artistry began in France and was at the height of its popularity during the reign of Louis XVI. Sugar artists use blown and pulled sugar. Practice and patience are the keys to mastering this art form. I saw a documentary about a young Chinese man who made sugar artistry his profession. He will probably not get very rich, but he seemed very fulfilled and happy. Children told him their Chinese star sign, and a few moments later our Chinese hero had blown and pulled a dragon, monkey or tiger. The children responded like they had just seen the most magical trick on earth. They were rudely brought back into reality by their somewhat intimidating and loud parents, demanding a discount from the hard-working artist. One day these parents will see that the happiness of their child is priceless.

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