Under Renovation

29 May 2010 - The Amsterdam Rijksmuseum, one of the most famous museums in the world, is (partly) closed for renovation. The sad news for museum-goers is that the museum will not completely re-open until 2012/13. That makes the renovation a 10 years project. Thinking from Hong Kong/China I wonder why things take such a long time, because construction (renovation) on the eastern side of the planet goes so much faster. Of course there is lots of cheap labor available in the mainland, and projects can be worked on for 24/7, but it remains unfortunate that the Dutch do not seem able to speed things up. The new metro-line will be a 15 years project! There were times that the Dutch were famous for their efficiency, but not anymore. At least one may take the opportunity to visit to the Anne Frank House - because its the last tourist attraction not under renovation.

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