Lost Luggage

4 June 2010 - I lost my luggage a few times during recent months, so it is every time a relief when I recognize my bag on the belt. It may sound trivial, but it is a bit of a disaster to loose your luggage. One has to buy shaving gear, shampoo, deo and clean socks + underwear. And always, always, always there are some essential documents in the missing suitcase. If the worst case scenario strikes, one has to fill in forms and answer difficult questions. "What color is your suitcase?". My suitcase is blue/grey. The employee asks "What is the brand?". It is the moment that I realize I do not care about brands, because I really do not know. The employee insists "It is very difficult to identify your luggage if we do not know the brand....". I bought my suitcase for almost nothing on the local market in Hong Kong, so I reply  that my bag has a Chinese brand. "Ah ... and imitation brand", says the employee. I am speechless and I know that it will be a small miracle to ever get my suitcase back.

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