Japan (3) - Lost

11 July 2010 - This is going to be fun, because I already managed to get lost on day 1 of my trip. I have been to Tokyo before and somehow I remember it as not too complicated, I forgot that hardly any streets are named and that - of course - most signs are in Japanese. So effectively that means are more than 12 million people are living in a huge metropolis without any street names. Maybe that is why Tokyo sometimes feels like an ant's nest. Of course major streets  and thoroughfares like Ginza or Shinjuku received names after WW II at the insistence of the American occupation forces, but for most of the part Tokyo's address system is based on a complicated number scheme that must make the postal workers' job a nightmare. I was told that some streets have been given nicknames that only the locals know. This is going to be an adventurous trip.


Little Willow said...

getting lost is the best way to experience a city. enjoy being lost...in Tokyo and in translation (the movie was shot in Tokyo too! so "romantic"...wakakakakaka


hey ms wakaka - i forgot about the movie and yes, yes, yes, but not romantic :-(