Japan (2) - Tokyo

11 July 2010 - Tokyo is an ugly city, yet I really like it. I love the crowds and the urban feel - the energy and the vitality. People rush around and always seem to have a purpose, a destination in their daily life. Tokyo was almost completely destroyed twice in the 20th century. In 1923 a massive earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale (similar to the quake that destroyed Port-au-Prince earlier this year) destroyed more than a third of the city and claimed more than 100,000 lives. Disaster struck again at the end of WW II, when allied bombs laid more than 50% of the city in ruins, killing another 100,000 people. The city survived all of that, and has grown into a buzzing metropolis. It is also one of the safest cities on earth - so I really have to be careful not to be too careless and - standing almost two meters tall - I feel like walking around with a sign "tourist" around my neck. And we remember what happened to Gulliver when he visited the island of Lilliput....


SATOSHI said...

what happened to Gulliver?


Gulliver was caught and tied up by the natives ...