This is the blog of Water-Trotter. The world is my oyster. And this is my window to the world. Welcome.
Think Positive
15 May 2010 - Still in South Africa and it is impossible not to say something about the HIV/AIDS epidemic here. I read this simple testimony from a gou called Xolani: "After testing positive I locked myself in the room for a whole week. I wanted answers. Why me? I felt like killing myself. I blamed my four previous partners and tried to figure out who could have infected me. On the day of my test result I disclosed it to all of them. I was angry and felt betrayed, but I also blamed myself. I toild my family too, but that was only four years later ...".
13 May 2010 - I am in Johannesburg, or Jo'burg or Jozi. Th city is one of the 40 largest metropolitan areas in the world, and is the world largest city not being located on a river, sea or lake. Jozi is the source of a large-scale gold and diamond trade, due to its location on the minerals-rich Witwatersrand range of hills. Crime is a big issue here, and my colleagues do not stop to warn me to be careful at all times. It makes me a bit paranoid. In light of the upcoming World Cup, former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani was brought in as an advisor to bring down the crime rate. The opening and closing matches of the World Cup will be played here - and I really hope that the excitement about the Cup will not be ruined by nasty incidents.
Quote of the Day (11)
12 May 2010 - Hong Kong's Dr. Mee Kan Ng had an interesting quote about the city "In Hong Kong, less than 25% of our land is built-up land, and within that 25%, only 3,6% of the land is for housing (public housing and private housing) and 3,7% of the land is for roads.". It is all about priorities ....
12 May 2010 - Hong Kong's Dr. Mee Kan Ng had an interesting quote about the city "In Hong Kong, less than 25% of our land is built-up land, and within that 25%, only 3,6% of the land is for housing (public housing and private housing) and 3,7% of the land is for roads.". It is all about priorities ....
12 May 2010 - Thousands of people ran the marathon of Prague in the last weekend. These days every city has its marathon, but the participants can still make a difference. A German participant to the Prague marathon ran (walked?) the 42+ km backwards. His aim was to raise money for a children's home in the Czech Republic. It is not known how much money he raised for charity, but it was reported that he finished the marathon in 6 hrs and 50 minutes. That's still pretty good - I am afraid I am not even fit enough to walk the marathon forwards.
. May 2010 - This comes from an article by Harry Bruinius in the SCMP "In 1980, only 51 cities with more than 500,000 people existed in China, according to UN figures. Since then, that number has jumped to 236. By 2025, the UN estimates, China will add 100 more cities to this group, at it pursues moving millions of rural peasants into vast urban networks. And with its robust rate of economic growth, China has the money to pursue the theorem "If we build, they will come". Its centralized political system also makes it easier to plan new urban networks without significant resistance."
One More Month
11 May 2010 - Tomorrow I will be on my way to South Africa, so its impossible not to think about the World Cup Football. I learned that most tickets have now been sold.The new stadiums are among the most spectacular in the world and they will collectively seat more than 570 000 people. Fo example, the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban has a steel arch 105 m above the middle of the pitch, and by using a cable car, spectators will enjoy a stunning view of the Indian Ocean. Soccer City in Johannesburg takes the form of a calabash, a traditional African drinking vessel. The outer skin area spans 43 000 m2 and will be constructed from wholly natural energy-efficient material. It is the biggest stadium in Africa, seating almost 95,000 people. The Mbombela Stadium in Nelspruit is situated in a region known for its wild beauty and animals, close to the Kruger National Park. Its signature feature is the roof supports that 18 resemble giraffes.
Tintin in the Congo
11 May 2010 - Belgian roving reporter Tintin, who earned worldwide recognition for his adventures in the company of a faithful dog and a drunken sailor is in trouble. Some time ago Tintin faced public scrutiny as he was dragged before a court in Belgium to be accused of racism and xenophobia. Lawyers told a judge in a Brussels civil court that Tintin in the Congo — the second book in the series — should be banned in Belgium or at least sold with a warning that it contains material likely to shock readers. The case was brought by Bienvenu Mbutu Mondondo, 41, a Congolese accountant who says that the work, first published between 1930 and 1931, perpetuates colonial stereotypes. “This book contains unacceptable racist and xenophobic words which are designed to convey the idea that the black man is inferior,”. I had the book as a kid and maybe I was too young and naive to pick up the racist element, but I am in support of a good discussion about the content of book.
Belgian Cuisine
11 May 2010 - People may get the wrong impression that I am mainly in Belgium to eat, eat, eat, but such is not the case. In fact, yesterday I spent ten hours in a meeting-room. However, at the end of the day it was time to go to the local restaurant. The Belgian cuisine may not be world famous, but still has some treats on offer. On top of the list are "moules frites" or mussels with chips. Unfortunately its not the season. So there is stoemp: potatoes mashed with vegetables, and served with sausages. Its a bit heavy. Alternatively there are eel in green sauce of mixed herbs, salade liegoise (green beans salad) or waterzooi ('watermess') - a kind of rich chicken soup from Ghent. And of course they serve the best beer in the world..
Quote of the Day (10)
10 May 2010 - "Here the police only enter during mega-operations, where they come equipped with urban tanks, and helicopters, and beween 500 and 1,000 men strong,", the driver of an aid project in Complexo de Alemao, one of the over 1,000 favela communities, scattered in the hills around Rio de Janeiro.
British Politics
Iron Man
10 May 2010 - The one thing I do not like to do is ironing. Yet, it seems a routine that forever and ever comes back. I am sure I ironed my shirts last weekend, but a depressing pile of wrinkled clothes is growing in the not-so-hidden corner of my study. Its like going around and around and around in circles. You iron your shirts - you wear them and wash them, and before you know it you find yourself behind the iron-board again. I know iron-free shirts exist, but somehow they also come wrinkled out of the laundry. To my surprise I learned that a sport called "extreme ironing" exits. its a sport (?) that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt. I hereby invite the athletes to Hong Kong.
9 May 2010 - The 'bad' thing about Belgium is that they sell pralines. There are pralines everywhere! I was told that the translation of 'pralines' into english is Belgian Chocolates, which says it all. It is a small miracle what Belgians can do with a bit of butter, sugar, water or milk, cacao or vanilla and a few grinded nuts. I can eat pralines 24 hours per day, but I believe they are originally meant as dessert. There are many good brands available, but I like the delicacies made by Leonidas. Today is Mothers' Day - so I treated myself to some Leonidas on the good health of my dear mum.
9 May 2010 - I am in Belgium. Fog, grey, cold. Sometimes people think that the only man-made structure visible from the moon is the Chinese Great Wall. However, that is not true. The only visible attraction is the Belgian motorway system. It is visible as a small glittering spot, due to the lights all along the motorway network.
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