Anaconda scare

27 Sep 2010 - A 73-year old Polish pensioner recently got the shock of her life when visiting the toilet. After she raised the lid of the toilet seat, the lady saw a big snake that wanted to slither out of the toilet bowl. The snake turned out to be a more than two meter long anaconda peering up out of her toilet bowl. The old pensioner was keen enough to immediately slam down the lid and called the local police. Although the Wroclaw police must have thought they were dealing with a hoax, the panic in the voice of the lady probably convinced them something was seriously wrong and they got an employee from the local zoo involved. The zoo employee managed to catch the snake, normally a native of South Africa and somewhat lost in southern Poland. A police spokesman said the reptile must have somehow got into the toilet bowl via the plumbing of the pipes, but none of the neighbors reported a missing anaconda.

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