
19 Sep 2010 - It is almost Mid Autumn Festival. Traditionally, People exchange mooncakes for the event., while people hope for a bright full moon on this special night of the year. However, dietitians warn to be careful with the delicacies. Since the Hong Kong Government introduced compulsory labeling of all foods, it is possible to learn the fat and sugar content of the delicacies. And it is not good! Some mooncakes contain almost one-and-a-half times an adult's recommended daily intake of sugar , while for others a single cake could account for a full day's fat consumption. A dietitian warns that a mooncake contains as much energy as three bowls of rice, but people should not worry too much as long as they know when to stop eating. She says that eating a quarter of the mooncake sis totally acceptable. She also recommends to eat less rice during the festival as it will compensate the heavy mooncakes intake.

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